AstraZeneca Supplier Page
Welcome to the AstraZeneca Supplier Page
The information on this page is intended for use by AstraZeneca and their affiliates’ trade suppliers.
Health Care Professionals, Health Care Organisations, External Experts, Key Opinion Leaders and individuals reclaiming expenses from AstraZeneca (e.g. interviewees) should reach out to their local AstraZeneca contact for support.
Contact details for each AstraZeneca entity, including invoicing address and Helpdesk information, can be found here
New Suppliers
You can find more information about AstraZeneca via the below links.
AstraZeneca does not have a central point of entry for enquiries on how to do business with our company. Please visit the relevant country website for general contact information.
Existing Suppliers
Please find information for AstraZeneca’s trade suppliers below.
Purchase Orders
AstraZeneca operates a “No PO, No Pay” policy. Suppliers must therefore not provide any goods or services without first having received a Purchase Order (PO). The only exceptions to this policy are for goods/services categorised as one of the following:
Doctors/Hospitals/Medical Associations, Public Training Courses, Pensions Services, Healthcare Services, Temporary Resources, Banks & Brokers, Insurance, Utilities, Export/Import deliveries/couriers/duties, Voice/data/mobile Carriers, Operating leases, Regulatory bodies, Sponsorship, Governments.
In some scenarios, where business needs require it, AstraZeneca employees may place orders using a Purchasing/Credit Card. In these cases, a PO document will not be required.
The details provided on the PO document must match the goods/services that are being provided, and the supplier should check all details before providing any goods/services to AstraZeneca. Any discrepancies should be raised immediately with the AstraZeneca department or individual that requested the goods/services. Discrepancies in PO details may delay or prevent the processing of associated invoices.
The PO must be addressed to the correct entity of the supplier’s organisation. AstraZeneca are unable to process invoices where the company entity/address listed on the invoice is not the same company that the PO was raised to.
The AstraZeneca entity on the PO must match to any associated contracts that are in place. Suppliers will only be able to invoice the AstraZeneca entity listed on the PO document.
Suppliers must also check the following details are correct (where applicable):
- Quantity
- Unit price and total price
- Order currency
- Unit of Measure
- Product code
- Description of goods or services
- Requested delivery dates
- Delivery address
- Payment Terms
To allow AstraZeneca to process supplier invoices correctly and efficiently, suppliers should note the following requirements:
- All invoices must clearly state the PO number received from AstraZeneca
- Where no PO has been provided (in exceptional circumstances – see “Purchase Orders” section on this website) the invoice must clearly identify the AstraZeneca contact who requested the goods/service
- Where the PO has multiple lines, it should be clear which line/charge on the invoice relates to which line of the PO (invoice line should state the PO line number where possible)
- AstraZeneca will be unable to process invoices when insufficient value or quantity is remaining on the Purchase Order. Suppliers are asked not to submit invoices over PO value and instead should contact their AstraZeneca buyer/requestor.
- All company entities on the PO (both AstraZeneca and supplier’s) must be correct, and match exactly to the details specified on the invoice. If they are not the same, a new PO must be requested from the appropriate AstraZeneca contact
- All invoices must contain a clearly marked, unique invoice number and date
- The currency of the invoice must be the same as that specified on the PO
- The Unit of Measure (UoM) listed on the invoice must match the UoM specified on the PO
- Credit notes should clearly reference the invoice number/PO they relate to, where appropriate
- Where VAT is claimed, the relevant VAT registration number of the supplier must be mentioned on the invoice
- Where other types of tax are applied, the associated tax identification numbers must be mentioned on the invoice, in line with the local tax requirements
- If VAT or other taxes are claimed, the VAT/tax amount must be shown in the currency of the country where the transaction takes place (or the appropriate exchange rate specified)
Invoice Submission
- Suppliers should submit invoices electronically via Coupa Supplier Portal (CSP is AstraZeneca's replacement tool for Ariba) where it is available. Supplier should note that invoices sent by email or in paper format will take longer to process
- Suppliers that transact with AstraZeneca on the ASN should submit all invoices via this channel where possible. There is no requirement to send additional hard or email copies.
- Emailed invoices should be sent to the central invoice reception address where these facilities exist. Details of the email addresses, as well as helpdesk contact details, can be found here. Where there are questions on which details should be used, suppliers should request clarification from their AstraZeneca contact.
- Invoices that are non-compliant will be rejected and a notification sent back to the supplier. Corrected invoices should be returned to AstraZeneca as soon as possible to minimise delays in payment.
Electronic Transactions via Coupa Supplier Portal
AstraZeneca have partnered with Coupa to enable electronic transactions with our suppliers in our major markets. Electronic transactions will deliver proven benefits to send purchase orders and process invoices more effectively to both suppliers and AstraZeneca. These benefits include:
- Electronic purchase orders sent to designated supplier order processors
- Confirmation of purchase orders received by supplier
- Improved on-time payments to you as an AstraZeneca supplier
- No missing invoices or the need to resubmit
- No delay due to lost invoices in the mail
- Higher automated matching because of improved data quality
- Immediate feedback if there are any invoice issues
- Increased efficiency due to reduced manual handling of invoices
- Portal visibility of the Invoice status as it moves through the AstraZeneca authorisation and payment process.
Suppliers that have catalogues with AstraZeneca are responsible for the maintenance of the content, including pricing information. Where prices on invoices differ from the associated price in the catalogue (and therefore purchase orders created from them), invoices may be delayed and/or rejected.
Payment Terms
AstraZeneca’s standard payment terms begin from receipt of a compliant invoice.
Payment terms will be stated on the PO document received when goods/services have been formally requested. Queries/concerns on payment terms should be addressed to the appropriate AstraZeneca contact upon receipt of the PO, not at time of invoice submission.
Supply Chain Financing (AstraZeneca UK, Sweden, US & Germany only)
As part of our strategy to support suppliers, we've partnered with Taulia to provide a portal that offers options for early payments on approved invoices, at competitive financing rates. Features of the tool include:
- Visibility of all approved invoices, including history of the previous 6 months
- An early payment option for approved invoices - discounted at competitive rates
- Control of your receipts - suppliers select when they want early payment
- Accurate cash-flow forecasting - provides full visibility of when invoices are due for payment
- Unlimited portal access - 24/7 payment process visibility
Supply Chain Financing is currently only available to suppliers working with AstraZeneca UK, Sweden, Germany and the United States. For more information on AstraZeneca’s partnership with Taulia, please click here. For details of how to apply, please contact the appropriate email address below:
- North America
- United Kingdom
- Sweden
- Germany
Get Help
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Where do I send/address my invoices
- Invoices should be submitted as per the instructions provided on/with your PO document. For AstraZeneca contact details, including central invoice reception locations (where facilities exist) please click here.
- If you are unsure which details should be used, you should speak to your AstraZeneca contact.
2. When will my invoice be paid?
- Invoices will be paid in line with the payment terms you have agreed with AstraZeneca. AstraZeneca’s standard payment terms are based on receipt date, and can be found on the corresponding PO document. Contact your local Helpdesk if you need to clarify the date for a specific invoice.
3. How can I confirm my invoice has been received and/or what the status is?
- Suppliers using the Coupa Supplier Portal to invoice AstraZeneca can check the status of their invoices within this system.
- Contact your local Helpdesk to confirm receipt/status, but please allow minimum 3 days for the invoice to be registered in the AstraZeneca systems before querying status.
4. How do I change my contact/address/bank details?
- Discrepancies in supplier details (i.e. differences between the details on the invoice and those on the AstraZeneca system/PO) will lead to delays in processing of invoices, and possible rejection. It is therefore important that AstraZeneca is notified of any changes as soon as possible.
- Supplier details can be changed by contacting your local Helpdesk. Note that depending on the details you are changing, you may be contacted to provide confirmation/supporting documentation. An immediate response to any such request will ensure your details are updated on a timely basis and ensure no delays to invoice payments.
5. How do I make a payment to AstraZeneca? What are AstraZeneca’s bank details?
- For advice on making a payment/refund to AstraZeneca, please contact your local Helpdesk.
6. How do I get support for anything else?
- For any queries related to Coupa Supplier Portal, please visit AstraZeneca Coupa Supplier Page or contact
- For any other issues/queries, please either contact your local Helpdesk, or your AstraZeneca contact. For details of your local Helpdesk contact information, please click here.